
This is my first big post and it makes me sad, that I have to write on a tragic topic like this. Here we go…

If you use the internet at all and tend to read the news online, you are aware of the Malaysian Airlines’ plane (MH17), that was downed in Eastern-Ukraine. As someone, who lives in Estonia - a country that has been under constant threat from Russia since ages ago, this makes me concerned about the future.

Since the start of the conflict in Ukraine, I’ve been keeping my eye on the news and social media, where prominent figures across the world have voiced their thoughts on the matter. When things escalated during the protests in Kiev, the people turned their eyes to Ukraine in hopes for the conflict to resolve peacefully sooner rather than later. It didn’t and the conflict spread to Eastern-Ukraine. With Ukraine and it’s people in mind, the eyes turned to Russia, who most definitely was backing the hostilities in Ukraine. If Russia can do this in Ukraine, what will keep it from doing the same in Estonia? Or any other post-Soviet country for that matter? Like the eastern parts of Ukraine, the north-eastern part of Estonia has been populated by Russians and Russian-speaking Estonians for decades now. What if they pull the same maneuver in Lääne- and Ida-Virumaa (north-eastern counties of Estonia mostly populated by Russian-speaking citizens)?

Unlike Ukraine, Estonia is part of the European Union and is a member of NATO. One hopes, that this is a sufficient guarantee against Russian hostilities or even provocations. Key officials of the US administration have said, that NATO will respond to all aggression in accordance with Article 5 of the NATO treaty. Seems sufficient to calm down a worrying citizen in any NATO state that is located in the Russia’s sphere of interest. I for one hope so.

Still, the feeling of uncertainty grows among the population of Estonia. Of course I can’t speak for everybody, but I can see how it affects people close to me and hear their thoughts. A few days ago, while discussing the tragedy of the flight MH17 with my friend Joosep, I noticed that my SO, who was listening to us, became ever more worried as the discussion progressed. I’ve never seen her take that much interest in the Ukrainian matters, but this was serious enough to make a visible impact on her. And I believe the worry is justified in every way.

Since the tragedy of the flight MH17, European and American governments have yet to implement any serious sanctions against Russia. From a diplomatic perspective I can understand why, since there aren’t enough evidence to connect Russia and Putin to the case. Yet, there are enough evidence to make everyone highly suspicious. Personally, with all the evidence that’s currently out there, I am convinced, that the plane was downed by the separatists, who acquired the weapons, that made this possible, from Russia. There is no other logical explanation.

The situation, that the tragedy of flight the MH17 has caused, has affected not only Ukrainians or Russians, but also a number of other countries, whose citizens were aboard that plane. Those countries, who have been silent or neutral in the matter, are now direct victims of the conflict and the victims deserve justice. With the situation being complicated enough, how is it possible to bring justice to those who deserve it?

I think it was Garry Kasparov who wrote on the matter and he posed some questions, that I think were spot on. He asked, who can we blame for the tragedy? Is it the person who pushed the button and launched the missiles? Is it the person who gave the order? Or is it the country that supplied the weapons, which made this tragedy possible? Who ever will be blamed, no justice will be served. If the blame falls on the person who pushed the button or gave the order, he will most likely disappear mysteriously or will have been fallen in combat during the same time. Anyone who lives in a post-Soviet state know, this is how things are still done in many places. Could Russia be blamed? No. Justice doesn’t live there.

How should a simple person living in any of the Eastern-European country feel or think after this? I believe that person should be scared. Every Estonian should be scared and worried. What will happen to us? The governments of our allies have shown no strength when implementing sanctions against Russia and the separatist leaders in Ukraine. And it seems, that even the death of hundreds of foreign citizens is not enough for any decisive action on their part.

How can one feel safe in the midst of all of this?

My heart is with the people, who lost their close ones in this tragedy!


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Subtle? Indeed!

I’ve been trying to set up a minimalist blog for years and I’ve tried them all. I’ve tried wordpress, blogger, hosting myself and even just keeping small updates on my Twitter account, but none of these options have stuck as a habit. Is... Continue →